Saturday, June 02, 2001

Well Here it is 4:00 am and i am still away. Why? so maybe you guys want to know... Right? I bet. Ok so here it goes. I took someone out for their 21st birthday. lets just say that Carrie the birthday girl and Bobbie a friend of mine got pretty drunk Carrie more then Bobbie. I didn't I was driving. Yep good Megan. Anyways neither one is used to drinking. We started at about 9 or 9:30 and came back to the dorms at like 12:30 and Carrie was GONE!!!! She had had had like 12-14 drinks with a few being shots. Well that explains it all So I am doing an all nighter because I have to keep and Eye on her. I am also going to be taking a shower in an hour because I hae to work at 6 so I need to be showered and ready to go by that time. Oh yeah and I work from 6 am today til like 4 something later this afternoon. So am I excited you betcha. Damm strait I am!!! yeah right. lol but anyways this is giving me something to do while I am staying awake. Doing Nothing but watching what ever the hell is on like some damm infermercal. But anyways all you have a great DAY!!!!