Hey you guys out there. Hey Angie remember that one time when...and all those people were there and that song was playing???????? And that one time when you said you were going to change your layout during that one month a long a long a long time ago. When is it going to be ready for us to see. It better be spectacular by time your done with it it will be a year. LOL Erin nice pic. OK now just the stuff about me. The important stuff. Tonight is my last night that I am spending in the Granskou hall. I will move to Stavig tomarrow sometime late after noon. I guess we can get our key and stuff sometime between 6 and 9 pm. So I will be moving in about then. fun fun stuff. Why do I have so much stuff when I know I am moving every other month. Ummm I wonder... Well got to go. bye
Now we must remember, girls, that if we are menstruating we gotta watch out for those bears.
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