Tuesday, October 09, 2001

From Megan's Page: "Why is when you become friends with people at eventually they become further and further apart. Meaning why can't all my really closse friends( they know who they are) have to be so far apart from me. Meaning I might only be an hour from some of them or even some of them across town. But I never get to see them. Some of them I only see once in a great blue moon. I am not liking this. I just wish there were ways to see all of them more often. I also wish I could be with someone right now, but I can't but that is besides the point. Just feel that I don't get to spend enough time with the people who are closest to me. Are others feeling this same way or is it just me?"


I know exactly how you feel. Exactly. I just feel royally ditched, I guess. The people who I have been friends with at school in the past have all pretty much graduated and then I have friends, but no overall close friends--I mean, the type of friends that you can call at 1:30 in the morning if you need to. I don't have anyone at school who is like that anymore, except for Jess and Velvet and they don't seem to make any time for me.

And you guys--how often do I see either of you? Maybe once in three or four months?! Sometimes you just need to talk to someone who will listen. And it is so hard to find someone who will do that anymore.