Saturday, December 15, 2001

Hey Everyone. Last night Erin and I went to go see Serendepity. It is a total chic flick and sappy as can be. I would recommend it. When we got home after the movie, Velvet and Dan were throwing a big fit, I put away my coffee pot and they threw a fit because they use it and then it gets Nasty. And then she was whining and bitching and pouting (what she does best) because she didn't get her way. Then she said she was going to take her microwave and put it in her room so Erin and I couldn't use it. Wouldn't it be funny if Erin and I cancelled the cable because we never get to watch it....???? Any way, Velvet is a royal bitch and I am beginning to hate her. She is such a pain in the ass!!!!! We are no longer friends, which I don't need her any way. Sorry guys I am just really pissed off at her. I feel like I am being a royal bitch.....