Ok, here's my first bitch blog. Stacy from work really pissed me off today. I was proofreading some of her stuff, and on one of her orders I noticed that there was alot of space between the p & a in repair. I left her a note to fix the spacing inbetween those letters. She gave it back with a note saying "There isn't a space there. That must just be the way the typestyle is." WELL NO SHIT!!!!! I already knew there wasn't a space there. I meant for her to fix the kerning. So, I brought it back to her and tried to explain to her what I meant. She was still basically refusing to fix it. She said she'd have to go ask Lori (the cust. service rep. who was handling the order) if she could do that. BULLSHIT. You don't have to go ask if you can do that, especially when it's something that's all typeset to begin with. I left for lunch shortly after that, and when I came back it was in my proofreading bin with it fixed. God forbid they (her and Sarah) would actually take some of my advice once in a while. You know, I could never know something they wouldn't know!
Oh, and I think you and Jessi should get rid of the cable. It's not like you get to watch any of it anyways.
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