This Angela girl made the cover of the paper this morning. So I wake up to her sappy fake-ass smiling face. Good god. I have a problem with Angelas lately. (Not Angie, though. Just Angelas.) I must explain. When I was presenting my persuasive speech on Tuesday, I was having a really hard time keeping a cohesive thought. And when you give a speech, you generally look out to the audience to connect with people and get some look of encouragement. But this Angela girl--she had a look of total, complete disgust on her face and made the pff! noise on top of it. BITCH. And later that day, a different Angela told me "nicely" that my paintings reminded her of tye-dye. Of FUCKING TYE-DYE! grrrrrrrr!
Now we must remember, girls, that if we are menstruating we gotta watch out for those bears.
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