Wednesday, February 27, 2002

I see by the lack of posts in here that everyone else is having a wonderful time out there in real life world. That's good. For me? I guess I must have been racking up things. I have a list, here goes:

1) Velvet's moving. Not bad, but jeez, the girl takes up half the living room with her boxes all over the place to crate up her stuff that is everywhere. The entry way between the door and the living room is blocked so tight that you can hardly walk through without knocking something over, but if you want to walk through the kitchen instead, you can't do that either because she has this big-ass box in the center of that room. grr.

2) Then we get this letter. A notice of lease termination. Velvet must have decided to talk to the landlord--something we had decided to do as an apartment, but she obviously must've forgotten about that part. The letter (written by the landlord, I'm assuming) detailed how Velvet had until 3/7 to remove her things, that Jess and I are supposed to return all the things of Velvet's that we supposedly have, including all the shit she left in our locker from last semester. (She couldn't just ask about that, no. That would require actual communication! She had to have that written into the lease termination contract which should have absolutely no effect on shit like that.) So now we'll have to trip over all her shit for the next week and grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

And here's the best part--she didn't even deliver this to us face-to-face. She waited until Jess and I were ASLEEP to slide this under our door so that she wouldn't have to deal with us. And now that she's talked to the landlord, Jess and I have absolutely no chance to ask about lowering the amount of our month's rent that he raised to have a third person there. Stupid bitch.

3) On the lease termination agreement, it also said that Velvet isn't responsible for any of the remainder of the lease, or for any of the damages done to the apartment in the time that she lived there. My question--of the damages that we have incurred, who do you think is responsible for the great majority, if not all, of them? She and her dumbass boyfriend!!!!!!! I'm sure had the landlord actually delved into the situation a little deeper, he would have realized that she had her stupid boyfriend living with her against our lease the entire fucking time!!!!

Yeah, but when Jess and I asked out of the lease, he said he would sue us for the remainder. But he won't sue her. That is fucking bullshit.