Whenever I have breaks at work, I usually end up going out with the rest of the staff, but something recent has just started and now the staff is supposed to go out and supervise this one woman who is constantly dropping her ciggs. It is so damn annoying. I used to go out with her all of the time and smoke, but then I felt as though I was losing my time to spend with the rest of the staff, so I stopped goin out with this woman. Ever since then, she has continuously called me a Scag(?) and been harrasing me to go outside with her. Somehow, I think that this is just her little plan to get me to go out and smoke with her and be bothered by waiting for her to go out and for her to come in. I know that I am a whore for not being there for her and not doing things with her, but it is certainly not my responsibility to be watching her and making sure that she doesn't intentionally or accidentally hurt herself.
Now we must remember, girls, that if we are menstruating we gotta watch out for those bears.
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