4:30 couldn't come fast enough today. I worked nearly 9 hours today (and again tomorrow and Wed.) to kinda make up some time for Thursday and Friday. It wasn't so bad, it was really weird coming to work and only a couple people are there. Morning went by pretty fast, but in the afternoon I had a fucking headache and nothing to take for it.
Oh, and Sarah pissed me off again today. I've discovered that if I have a rush I need her to proof, and she's working on a rush of her own, she won't proof mine until she has hers completely done. C'mon! It takes like 30 seconds to proofread. But instead, I had to wait 20 minutes for her to finish. I gave it to her when she was at the scanner. About 5 minutes later, she left that computer and went back to hers, leaving my order where I had put it. I pick it up, and give it to her again. It sits there. I do something of Stacy's (she's gone, so I'm her backup) and when I get done with that, I notice that she still hasn't proofed my order. I say to her "Could you please proof my rush?" She ignores me, and goes on with hers. Finally after she finished her rush, and gave it to me to proof, she proofs my rush. What a hoebag. I told Lisa while Sarah was at lunch, and she said next time to stand by her desk until she proofs it. Lol. That would be fun to piss her off like that.
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