Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Yes. How dare you, Angie!!

Yeah, Megan. I'm still online. But I'm tired now, so I intend to go to bed really soon. But I needed to write a nice email to Jess entailing why exactly I didn't return her phone call, as I was supposed to. Sigh.

Personally, I think we could leave early that morning and reach the Rapid City and Devils' Tower areas in time to do whatever sightseeing we had wanted. I think that we should try to drive the full way the first day so that we won't be driving away our second day, too. Just my thoughts. I can check with my parents to see how they handled it when they drove out there--I wasn't with for that trip, so I don't know. But I do know that they stopped by those areas on the way there. Anyway. Blah.