Tuesday, November 25, 2003

For Angie, because I'm not sure whether I got this to her earlier.


1. Fill regular (microwave safe) coffee mug half-full with milk. Top off with water.

2. Add one tea-bag of black tea--make sure that the tea-bag is submerged in the water. (I suppose you could use others, but I think this one tastes the best.)

3. Microwave for two minutes on high.

4. Remove from microwave. (duh.) And remove tea-bag. (double duh.)

5. Add a couple spoonfuls of sugar, to taste.

6. Stir and enjoy! :)

Note: I have also seen (and bought) the ChaiLatte stuff that they have on the market now. It's in the tea section, if you want to try it, but my recipe is much more cost-effective and (in my opinion) tastes better. xx