Yesterday Miles came over and was using the computer to check his e-mail and chat with friends. As he was doing that I was playing N64 and doing some miscellaneous household chores. About every hour or some time range like that we would go outside on the patio and have a cigarette. The third time we were outside Lesbian turned up her television rather loudly. It didn't bother us, we continued to smoke and shortly after we returned inside she turned it down. Later on we went out again and she turned her TV up loud once more. I thought she was busy in the kitchen or something and couldn't hear the television. She was watching the Olympics, maybe her favorite sport/attraction was on. The last time I headed outside Miles did not join me. Instead I went out intending to talk to my sister (on the cell). As I was talking with her I was obviously smoking when Lesbian yelled down to me, "How loud do you want the television to be? I'm not going to shut my doors and windows everytime that you want to have a smoke. This is my apartment!" I didn't answer her the first time and when she asked again I yelled up "I don't care how loud it is." So she turned it up and I continued to talk to Anno. Is Lesbian really that retarded to think the TV is going to bother me? I just blocked it out and continued to talk to Anno. She is such a slimy bitch. Another thing, she didn't turn off the lights in the laundry room after she finished washing her clothes. I so want to be out of this damn apartment. The neighbor is a hoebag and should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell and the landlady should join her. SON OF A BITCH PIECES OF SHIT FUCKRAGS/BAGS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now we must remember, girls, that if we are menstruating we gotta watch out for those bears.
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