Friday, March 24, 2006

a bitchin' post.

You don't mind a little bitchin', do you? I didn't think so.

Anyway. My coworker's last day was yesterday and I gained ALL of her work on top of what I already do. And she was all intent that I didn't have enough to do, anyway, nevermind that she never had to do my job or see what my issues were. So...we had four days to train this week. And Wednesday, we had meetings every freaking hour and yesterday, I needed to fly out of town for meeting all day, so did I get a lot of training? Hell, no.

And today, I'm getting emails about this and that that's going wrong and I, of course, wasn't included in the original emails, so I have no idea what's happening. And it's just total bullshit. But, I handled it well, I think.

Anyway. We were all going to go out tonight for a farewell for her, but she cancelled on us at the last possible minute. Because her boyfriend probably didn't want to go and she tends to do everything he tells her to do. :( It's just irritating.


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