So I was thinking, if it starts looking like we might not get together before receipts expire, perhaps we should do the returning ourselves and either give the money or get new gifts.
Now we must remember, girls, that if we are menstruating we gotta watch out for those bears.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Oops at least I think thats an oops, I wanted the little heart instead of the word loves, and when I copied and pasted it in it made it look funny. something and a 3/4 also look closely between our unkymoods, and the link to our personal websites is a gray line, on all except mine,.. not like it matters, just thought I would point it out. Will someone fix the Hearts please. Thanks
Again Hello from me, My amazon page is updated, it went from 5 pages! down to 3 pages! lol, I took off all the stamps, and ones that either said currently not available, and or discontinued. Anyway I also added new stuff. just thought I would let you all know. :)
also post or something, when you have updated your amazon list. I am updating mine right now and it will be done this sometime this morning.
I was talking to Erin and Angie last night and during my conversation with Angie, I had an Idea. That since it looks like we won't be able to get together until March sometime,that we all should update our Amazon wish list and take off things that we have already got. That way for those people who are worried about items that might have to be returned, and have a certian time limit on them, they can be exchanged. you know what I mean? Angie said that hers is updated. Also this means that those items would be off limits for the individuals whose names belong to that list at least until we get together. Wow I am sorta wordy this morning.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Well According to the dates that were posted, really anyweekend is ok for me as well, but I would prefer the Feb 18th - the 20th as we don't have school those days. and I would have off the 17th but we have an inservice that day. The weekend of the 25 through the 26 also works for me as of right now. And I would be wanting to spend the night Erin, if that's ok with you, I guess it would be up to you since I would be staying there, *wink*, and If Angie and Kristin couldn't stay overnight, I am still hopeing I can. *smile* Anyway I again won't say that jinx of a word that starts with a "w" and ends in an "er" yeah.... so those are my dates.
I'm not sure if the 26 & 27 will work for me. I'm planning on hopefully being on vacation the week of Wednesday, February 23 - March 2. I'll let you know if things change though.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Our unkymoods weren't showing up, but I fixed it by changing the code. There is now a non-javascript code that I had to put in to get it to work (for me anyway.)
Going by Erin's dates, I would pick Feb 26/27 but I am unsure about Kristin's work schedule. She'll have to fill everyone in about that stuff.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
I need to be in the Cities the weekends (at least the days of) February 12 and February 20, as I am dropping off/picking up my parents at the airport. I'm still (mostly) clear for those weekends, though, other than that.
Otherwise, any other weekend is clear for me at this time. know how it goes...My best pics are for 2/5-2/6 and 2/26-2/27.
The dates that I would choose are: February 12/13 or February 19/20. An option that we could consider is if it is a weekend Kristin works, we would have it at our place instead of Erin's.
Subject: Picking a date.
OK. I'm going to post the next six weekends, through the first weekend of March--I'd prefer to not have to postpone this much further into March, if I can help it, because this is a Christmas get-together to begin with, plus, if we need to make any returns, it's going to start getting tough (gift reciepts expiring, etc).
What I would like you to do is to post your top two choices that will work for you. Then, hopefully there will be a date in common that works for all of us and we can set a date and a snow date, too.
If there is a weekend that you absolutely cannot under any circumstances attend, list that, too.
Here are the weekend choices:
January 29 / January 30
February 5 / February 6
February 12 / February 13
February 19 / February 20
February 26 / February 27
March 5 / March 6
Also...if you would rather have a day-thing where we get together for one day, minus an overnight, be sure to say that.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
first of all I like the are we write in, but don't like the background colors, and don't like the here,say. part. anyway. I have a concert that I am going to that weekend. Sorry.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
My only potential issue with that weekend is that I need to bring my parents to the airport, I believe that Saturday morning. If it's Sunday morning, though, I fear it may be a no-go. I think it's Saturday, though. Actually, I'm quite sure it's Saturday morning at some obscenely early time.I'll give my mom a call tomorrow and see for sure.
Ok, so here is what Kristin and I are thinking. The second weekend in February (12-13) Kristin doesn't work. How does this weekend work for y'alls for a second try at our Christmas get-together?
OK...I needed to make a change to the layout, just because the old layout was so...dull. You know? Forgive me if it's too bright. So...any ideas for an alternate get together date? Kristin?
Monday, January 17, 2005
Saturday, January 15, 2005
People: At work doing this so it's a quick note: I now work on Saturday, January 22 till 4:00 in the afternoon. Jean and I are switching our weekends and this will commence the weekend of the 22nd. Of course, I don't have to work on Sunday.
Now, I can hopefully take off work at noon this day so that Ang and I could leave afternoonish sometime and make it to Erin's sometime thereafter. If this doesn't work out, then I will work the full day and I probably will not attend our sweet get together. (sniff)
I think it should be okay though. Questions, you can reach me on my cell, but since no one really calls that anyway, it will probably be turned off. (no one loves me).
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
So are we on for January 22??? Assuming so, what time shall we be there? Need us to bring anything? Etc?
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Dear Angie,
Yes, you are right. My water tastes considerably better post installation of a new Brita filter.
(And were you the one who wrote "hi" in the dust on my Palm Pilot?)
Your friend,
"Unless weather is bad", there, at the end of Megan's entry...LOL. I love it.
I'm absolutely totally fine with having it here, provided that people don't mind the drive to come here, and that I haven't exactly established a "night out pattern" so will probably not be the best person about picking out a bar, club or restaurant. (I dunno what you guys would like to do while you're here, so thought I would throw out a few suggestions.)
Also totally fine with not going to a musical. I just thought it would be something fun to do. I'm also cool with just hanging in, playing games and watching movies.
So...yeah. Unless there is a freak snowstorm or something, we will plan on the 22nd.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
The 22nd would work just fine for me. This way I won't have to take off Friday night (since we won't be getting together on that day).
Monday, January 03, 2005
Ok... So about that christmas get together thing. Erin and I were talking on the phone and were thinking that the 22nd would be the best weekend for everyone. We are under the assumption that Kristin you don't work that weekend right? According to our calculations anyway. If this doesn't work let all of us know what weekend does. Basically what we are saying is that Kristin it sounds like you should tell us what weekend works for you since your the only one that works on weekends (sorry) Also we were thinking that it would be best if we could do it on a Sat. because Erin and I both work on Fridays. And I would have to drive from Sioux Falls to the Cities (Erin's) right is it still there? If the 22nd doesn't work we would have to move it to Feb. but yeah. So Kristin what works best for you? Does the 22nd work for everyone??????? Unless weather is bad.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
About the get together, Yes we need to plan that soon. I am also pretty flexible, The only weekends that might be questionable is Jan. 15th and 16, We might be celebrating my Grandparents birthday. But nothing has been said yet about that weekend. And I know that the 20th of Jan I need to be here, for Larry the Cable Guy, and I am not sure if my parents are staying over night that night. (that Night is a Thurs. FYI) But otherwise I am flexible. Oh I was going to blog in the kitchen but couldn't remember the password. or it didn't work for me anyway.. lol so check out my site for the reason why.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Well, you guys kind of know my schedule, with the weekends that I work and don't. My schedule may start to get messed up because I'm taking some time off in February. As Ang stated, I think we should plan something soon. Unfortunately, I will be unable to go to a play/musical of any sort, if you guys are still up to doing something like that. I'm trying to save as much money as possible and that wouldn't do me any good. Just so you all know.