Sunday, December 30, 2001

Angie, have you gotten Chewie back yet?

Okay, so where are we meeting and who is driving for this Sioux Falls trip? I work until 12:30/1:00 on Monday, so maybe we should meet there? I'm not sure how early we want to leave.

Thursday, December 27, 2001

ok So I am supposed to report to my parents when I arrive home from somewhere. Ok.... So tonight after watching movies over at Erin's I came home... and see that my parents bedroom door is closed. Thats weird they never close the door... I had to knock twice before my mom would answer... hmmm.... wonder what they were doing??... also I went into the bathroom and I could smell or notice that she (mom) had taken a bath/shower because it smelled like shower gel... EWWWWWEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWEEWWWWWWW to think thats what there doing (if you get my drift) YUCK!!!

yeah. ew.

Man! Work is going by fast this week. I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already. Lol! Seems like just yesterday was Sunday. Lol!

Oh, and in the words of Corissa, T.M.I.!!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2001

Hi I don't thinks I typed this enough yet today, but Merrrrrry Chirstmas Everyone!!! I have made changes to my website=) What are we doing for NEW YEARS EVE?!?!?!? I am going to be spending it with whoever... Frankie won't be in Sioux Falls until Tuesday sometime.. so yep thats it.

You know what pisses me off is all the ecard address that I use are now starting a thing where you have to fucking pay to send out e-cards DAMMIT anyway!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2001

I hate when everything tastes so good and you eat too much and your stomach hurts and you gain ten pounds...Why can't stuff just taste bad?

I don't have any plans for New Year's yet, but I'm open for suggestions...did we want to get a hotel room again this year? The Cities or Sioux Falls?

I hate how when you wear certain pairs of underwear--cotton granny briefs, in particular--how they ride up past where your ass ends and end up halfway up your back! I mean, the positive is that people at least know you are wearing panties, but let me assure you, that is the only possible positive in this situation.

Friday, December 21, 2001

Check this out my new "blog" page Yes I know the address is long so just add it to favorites

Nothing to bitch about just wanted to read and see if there were new Entries. Merry Christmas Everyone

I've seen that commercial on teevee! I love it--it makes me laugh every time! Also, Meg, I love the new blog--the background is very cute. Now, for some content?

Thursday, December 20, 2001

Weeping, weeping" is from a commercial.

Well dammit anyway. I just went to the site where that commercial is at and it's "down until further notice." CRIPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, it's a Staples commercial where they get a robot to tell people about their technology products.

(store clerk) That Sno-bot is a great way to tell people Staples has technology gifts.
(sno-bot) Greetings, palm hand-helds make terrific gifts, so do digital cameras.
(lady customer) Nice price.
(customer) Excuse me, could you tell me about this scanner/fax/copier?
(sno-bot) NO!
(customer) But I want to get it for my brother.
(sno-bot) Get him a cell phone.
(customer) No, he really wants one of these.
(sno-bot) He can't have her, I love her.
(customer) What?
(sno-bot) NO NO NO!
(sno-bot and customer fighting over machine, customer pulls it away from sno-bot and store clerks run towards sno-bot)
(sno-bot) Weeping, weeping.
(store clerk) It's ok, we found you someone else.
(sno-bot) Who?
(store clerk holds up surge protector)
(sno-bot) Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

I think we should all get together tomorrow (Friday) night and exchange presents. Erin, have you started/finished your shopping yet?

You know what I hate. When the gas prices jump just as you need gas. It was at $1 for the longest time. Now when I need gas, it's $1.16. Those bastards for raising the price right before Christmas.

What's with the 'weeping, weeping'? I don't get it. Was it from somewhere?

I spent over $200 on books this past fall. I sold attempted to sell them back on Monday--and I only got $63! I know I say this every semester, but I really think I will go online to buy my books this time.

hmm...I have been driving since 5:15 this morning. I just handed in my shitty-ass sales final exam and am ready for a nap. I hate feeling tired. The thing is, I bet when I actually try to sleep that I won't be able to. And I really hate that!

Tuesday, December 18, 2001

Well he Made my day again...Frankie called and left me a voice mail message that said "I got my leave" I'm excited he is comming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2001

Hi I think you all know this but I was sent 6 long stem roses from Frankie today.. Thing is he hates his real name and he had it signed that.

"You put da beer in da coconut and drink it all up You put da beer in da coconut and throw da can away ... "

Yea, it pisses me off too that Blogger won't let Megan post. Usually I go in there and hit publish and it works, but NOOOOOOO! That doesn't work for me either.

Holy fuck! My head hurts. I think I have a migraine. sigh. Only one more final to go today. Radio production. (Hopefully the professor isn't a dick about it.)

Do you know what pisses me off? When blogger doesn't let Megan post her stuff.

And some people were being rude and loud last night. And worst off, they didn't give Jess the message that I called Saturday afternoon to tell her that I was staying in Brookings. So Jess sat up half of the night wondering if I was hurt in a car accident! Assholes. grr.

I hate it when you're running late for a final exam and you need to scrape the ice/frost off your windsheild! grr.

Sunday, December 16, 2001

I have no motivation to do anything today. I just want to sleep and be lazy. But I have to bake sugar cookies for my mom for next Saturday, and today is the only day I know I'll have time to do it.

YES you Should cancel the CABLE and hell why pay for something you don't get to use anyway

i think there is something seriously wrong with my roomate she is avoiding me like a black plauge is spending enough time away from me as possible BITCH She chews me out for asking her when she would be with the book that we are both shareing and have a final in on monday.. Reminder to everyone never share books (to save on money) or room with best friends they won't be after you live with them

Velvet is a total skank, and Dan is a fucking jackass, and you have every reason to be pissed off at them. It's hard to believe that someone you thought was your friend would be so self-centered.

Saturday, December 15, 2001

Oh yeah and they are getting good at slamming the doors and the silent treatment... How mature is that????

Hey Everyone. Last night Erin and I went to go see Serendepity. It is a total chic flick and sappy as can be. I would recommend it. When we got home after the movie, Velvet and Dan were throwing a big fit, I put away my coffee pot and they threw a fit because they use it and then it gets Nasty. And then she was whining and bitching and pouting (what she does best) because she didn't get her way. Then she said she was going to take her microwave and put it in her room so Erin and I couldn't use it. Wouldn't it be funny if Erin and I cancelled the cable because we never get to watch it....???? Any way, Velvet is a royal bitch and I am beginning to hate her. She is such a pain in the ass!!!!! We are no longer friends, which I don't need her any way. Sorry guys I am just really pissed off at her. I feel like I am being a royal bitch.....

Ok you should all be impressed with me for bloging so often lol I have 2 finals down and 3 to go

Sleep sleep sleep thats all that my roomate does

Friday, December 14, 2001

Wow shocking huh yeah you can do that erin

I know its her decision and everything but If my roomate isn't a too skinny I don't know what is too skinny.. Meaning she eats everyday vegies cereal with water. But at night can eat a whole damm bag of Popcorn and oranges... but "she has to go weash her hands" and takes forever hmmm... not obvious what she is doing. and last night we had a midnight breakfast lol nothing was apealing to her so she didn't eat anything YEAH RIGHT!!!!!! whatever...thats only her excuse..Its like if its labeled fat free and has like no calories she will eat it.. but has anytouch of calories or fat she won't. Hmm wonder what she does at home... and the shit drink fuck Diet Snapple...EEEEEEEEEEWW Ps angie this is what I was going to say earlier

Hey Megan: I saw that you updated your journal--did you want me to fix it so that you don't have all the broken graphics?

The computer lab smells like somebody puked nearby. I don't know if it is just me smelling it or what, but ew. I don't exactly appreciate the smell of vomit. ew.

Angie/Erin aka Erangie Help me!! please!!!!!!!!!!!! Me can't blog say in blogger

Damm roomate leaves dead bugs on the screen and oh my god guys its back she likes to watch that stupid show MATLOCK too.

hey if you have some free time visit this site

Actually, I don't know Corissa's address. I know she lives on Village Drive, but that's about it. She is planning to go home to Wisconsin for a few weeks, according to Jamie.

This Angela girl made the cover of the paper this morning. So I wake up to her sappy fake-ass smiling face. Good god. I have a problem with Angelas lately. (Not Angie, though. Just Angelas.) I must explain. When I was presenting my persuasive speech on Tuesday, I was having a really hard time keeping a cohesive thought. And when you give a speech, you generally look out to the audience to connect with people and get some look of encouragement. But this Angela girl--she had a look of total, complete disgust on her face and made the pff! noise on top of it. BITCH. And later that day, a different Angela told me "nicely" that my paintings reminded her of tye-dye. Of FUCKING TYE-DYE! grrrrrrrr!

Thursday, December 13, 2001

FUCKIN A! Tonite at work i was supposed to be done around 8:30 with all of my work done, but no, this skanky whore was setting around my desk for most of the nite making me do her work. I was getting so pissed off. i didn't even finish all of my work and i left at like 9:15. I'm so sick of that skanky bitch. I wish she would just leave me alone for awhile. Goddamn Skanky Bitch Whore! (Thank you for letting me get this out)

Erin, you know Corissa's address, don't you? Let me know say.

I cut my DAMN thumb on the FUCKING pizza cutter tonight while washing dishes!

look at her but it so big... Just bitchin baby

Hi I am going to be in Sioux Falls until the 19th but I might or might not get that day because I am going home ASAP that day. FYI I sent real mail today... BITCHING is FUN damm it

Erin/Megan how long are you going to be in Marshall/Sioux Falls? I'm gonna be sending out Christmas cards, and I need to know if they will get to you before you leave, or if I should send it to your parentals.

Oh wait, unless you want to get some real mail, I suppose I could just give them to you when we exchange presents.

Bitty Bitty Chang Chang.

Bitchin in the Kitchen! Alright!

Yay! Me likes to bitch!

Ok, here's my first bitch blog. Stacy from work really pissed me off today. I was proofreading some of her stuff, and on one of her orders I noticed that there was alot of space between the p & a in repair. I left her a note to fix the spacing inbetween those letters. She gave it back with a note saying "There isn't a space there. That must just be the way the typestyle is." WELL NO SHIT!!!!! I already knew there wasn't a space there. I meant for her to fix the kerning. So, I brought it back to her and tried to explain to her what I meant. She was still basically refusing to fix it. She said she'd have to go ask Lori (the cust. service rep. who was handling the order) if she could do that. BULLSHIT. You don't have to go ask if you can do that, especially when it's something that's all typeset to begin with. I left for lunch shortly after that, and when I came back it was in my proofreading bin with it fixed. God forbid they (her and Sarah) would actually take some of my advice once in a while. You know, I could never know something they wouldn't know!

Oh, and I think you and Jessi should get rid of the cable. It's not like you get to watch any of it anyways.

Jess and I were so pissed with Velvet that we were tempted to disconnect our cable service and make her and the loser reinstall it. I bet Dan (loser) wouldn't stick around much after his precious teevee was gone.

The bitchy blog is set up! The address: Same format as for this blog, username is thekitchen, password is bitchin. Come post stuff, it will be fun. =)

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

Oh, and the bitch blog would be more of a collaborative effort (not just Jess and I.) I don't think she and I would post enough between the two of us to keep it up. Maybe we could have it be a place to say, "You know what sucks..."-types of things. One thing is for certain, it can't just be Jess or I posting. It wouldn't last.

Happy Birthday, Megan! =)

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

DAMM it I can't blog in here, Just seeing if it works now

Hi I don't know about the rest of you guys but I am getting sick of the pop up window that pops up on angie's site j/k ... The only thing I think is funny is that everytime it pops up its a free slot machine game thing. Angie do you have it made that way??

Hey, go for the bitch blog for you and Jessi! You just have to give me the addy, cuz you know how much I like reading those sort of things.

And dammit, I'm not gonna be home this weekend. I won't be home until the 21st. :(

Oh, and more stuff to write about! (I'm full of things today!) Jessi liked posting in here so much the other day, that she has been pestering me to start a blog where she and I can post. And that's all good, but man! Can I really keep up with all these online projects? I don't think so! I have a hard enough time as it is!

Anyway, so I was thinking I would start kind of a "bitch blog"--where we can bitch and piss and moan about pretty much anything and everything. What do you guys think?

And one more thing. Anyone coming to Marshall this weekend? I can actually be available to do something if you are. (After eight or so Saturday.) Let me know, ok?

I am through with delivering speeches for the semester! Yes! (Time for a drink, methinks.)

Monday, December 10, 2001

Why, oh why won't my remotes work from my chair by my computer?

I'm making puppy chow right now. Yummy! We're having a goodies day tomorrow at work. That's what I'm bringing. I'm waiting for it to cool right now.

Hi Well Im and idoit because duh the day is on ther and always has been. i just can't read... lol

Saturday, December 08, 2001

Ok imagine me with a French Manicure done. Huh??? I just got one done today... Hey Erin can is there a way we can get the day back on the blog... I like the time thing but the day would also be nice..

No. He's not at an exact disadvantage. She still has her teevee in her room. So he watches in there. The good thing, if there is one, is I don't have to see his ugly face every time I go by the living room anymore.

Perhaps this would be the time I disinfect the couch...hmm...

Oh. And otherwise: Yes, we had snow in Marshall. Not too much (3-4 inches, maybe?) but it was enough to make the roads in town shitty. But the highways were fine, so that was good.

Friday, December 07, 2001

Hi First of all likes the new layout but I think our font should be a bit bigger. Because Old people like me can't read that tiny of font very well. hee hee hee :) Second of all What the hell erin Snow there when?.... Third I second that comment Erin wrote Long distance relationships really do suck. Forth is it sad Frank has been on guard duty for 2 days and I haven't heard from him because of that.. therefore Im going through some Frank phone call withdrawl. I think I will try to call him tonight. But if I don't I have a feeling he will call me tmrw night. Knowing I will be babysitting for his nieces

You got snow in Marshall? We barely got a dusting of snow here.

What?!?! You mean he's living there without his precious tv?!?!

okay. I have one complaint. And it is snow. I hate snow. Have I ever mentioned how much I really hate snow? Well, I do. I hate it. I hate it! I hate it. sorry. getting carried away with the whole reminiscent of eleventh grade english class thing again. So. Why I was mad. Why I am mad...I am supposed to be traveling to St. Paul today to see Sugam. This is the only available time I have to see him before he leaves for Nepal. He won't be back until late January and that simply is way too long to not see another person. (ek. long distance relationships really stink.) That is all I have to say about that.

Thursday, December 06, 2001

I only meant to post the pecker thing once, but it looks really funny like that, so I'm keeping it that way...hee.

Nope. I'm not watching Charlie Brown Christmas. I'm stuck at school. I did a radio prod shift for someone in my class, so now I don't have my show tomorrow night. (sniff.)

Not that I actually have a teevee to watch it on. There is no teevee in the living room anymore. When we told Loser Asshole to leave, that's the only thing he thought of moving. Stupid jerk.

Anyway, I'll be online later once I get home from doing this latest assignment. (Could be one or two before I'm back.) So if you're still up, perhaps we should chat? Someone? Anyone?

or did I really mean something more like...pecker?

or wait...did I really mean...pecker?

Hahahahahahahahaha! Aw, Pat!

Erin, are you watching A Charlie Brown Christmas? It's on right now. Oh wait, you probably don't have any control over the tv.

I tried bloging this a while ago, but do you remember this 6.02x10to the 23rd power???

Why is it that Megan never posts in here anymore? What could she possibly be so busy with that she cannot bear to post in here?

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

Work went by really slow today. Well, just the afternoon.

That is really strange. Motorized cart my ass! ;)

And I started posting again at my livejournal, so you can go read there again. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Erin, I had a dream last night that you had to ride around in a motorized cart. I don't know why you had too, but a doctor told you you have to use it. But you never used it unless you were around your parents.

Monday, December 03, 2001

OH MY GOD! You all simply must see Mamma Mia! It is so awesome! Yay for ABBA songs!