Thursday, February 28, 2002

What a skanky whore! How convienient for her to get an extra week to live there and to not be penalized for leaving the lease early.

Well, my only bitch lately is about the weather. Why is it that when I was living at a place where I had a place to plug my car in, the weather was nice and I didn't need it. Now that I'm living at a place where I don't have a plug in, it has to get really fricking cold at night. I hope my car'll start tomorrow.

You sound awfully perky for someone who needs a nap!

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Hey guys where are all you people who like to blog in here???? Im ready for a nap!!

I see by the lack of posts in here that everyone else is having a wonderful time out there in real life world. That's good. For me? I guess I must have been racking up things. I have a list, here goes:

1) Velvet's moving. Not bad, but jeez, the girl takes up half the living room with her boxes all over the place to crate up her stuff that is everywhere. The entry way between the door and the living room is blocked so tight that you can hardly walk through without knocking something over, but if you want to walk through the kitchen instead, you can't do that either because she has this big-ass box in the center of that room. grr.

2) Then we get this letter. A notice of lease termination. Velvet must have decided to talk to the landlord--something we had decided to do as an apartment, but she obviously must've forgotten about that part. The letter (written by the landlord, I'm assuming) detailed how Velvet had until 3/7 to remove her things, that Jess and I are supposed to return all the things of Velvet's that we supposedly have, including all the shit she left in our locker from last semester. (She couldn't just ask about that, no. That would require actual communication! She had to have that written into the lease termination contract which should have absolutely no effect on shit like that.) So now we'll have to trip over all her shit for the next week and grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

And here's the best part--she didn't even deliver this to us face-to-face. She waited until Jess and I were ASLEEP to slide this under our door so that she wouldn't have to deal with us. And now that she's talked to the landlord, Jess and I have absolutely no chance to ask about lowering the amount of our month's rent that he raised to have a third person there. Stupid bitch.

3) On the lease termination agreement, it also said that Velvet isn't responsible for any of the remainder of the lease, or for any of the damages done to the apartment in the time that she lived there. My question--of the damages that we have incurred, who do you think is responsible for the great majority, if not all, of them? She and her dumbass boyfriend!!!!!!! I'm sure had the landlord actually delved into the situation a little deeper, he would have realized that she had her stupid boyfriend living with her against our lease the entire fucking time!!!!

Yeah, but when Jess and I asked out of the lease, he said he would sue us for the remainder. But he won't sue her. That is fucking bullshit.

Saturday, February 23, 2002

I think that would confirm why I didn't list your name. hee. ;) Yeah. I think it might be just a little difficult for you to get together with us in that case...But don't feel bad. Kristin wasn't able to get together last night, either.

What about me erin I can't come out there too??? (hee hee hee) even though Im going to be in Sioux Falls all weekend.

Friday, February 22, 2002

Angie, are you and Kristin planning on making a trip out this evening? I'll be at Mom & Dad's over the weekend (they're out of town), so if you're around, let me know.

Monday, February 18, 2002

Today I went to class with a headache (the kind behind the eyes) and an upset stomach. I think a result of too many different types of foods and too little sleep over the weekend.

Saturday, February 16, 2002

Oh yeah with my earlier entry when that guy called for Dan this morning, I wanted to say "he doesn't live here, so stop calling because I don't know who he lives, you must have the wrong number...I went to my friends place this afternoon. And when I got home from her place just a little while ago. They were in their room and they were groaning...I just got grossed out so I put the radio on so I don't have to hear them having sex again....

Hey think I should work on my web page some more soon, Huh???

Hi Everyone...I answered a call for Dan this morning, and he was already gone by the time I got up this morning, but Velvet was still in bed, I'm sure sick as usual. Anyway, he asked if I was a roommate and I said yes. He also said so you are actually living there and he also said good. What an ASSHOLE!!!! I just have to remember 2 more weeks and then the moron and loser out of there for good. Last night they were so loud when I got home. The DVD player was blarring and they ran into the bathroom. (I'm sure having sex, again) Yuck!!!Not much is really new, other than I am counting down days, til they leave. Oh by the way, she still hasn't told me she is leaving yet.... I personally don't care if she tells me, but I play stupid well. *S* She figures Erin told me, which she did. Velvet assumes that, and that we are ok with it.

ok I really can't wait till the end of the semester when my pukey roomate takes her ass out of here. Last night @ 1am she comes walking in her with 2 different guys.. Lets just say I was in my PJ's and in bed but not sleeping.. She comes in flicks on the lights and then turns them off and says "oh can I turn on the lights". Im sitting there thinking yea you can since you already did. I said yeah you can. These guys she brought in STUNK like smoke and nasty "stoner" smell ("stoner" is Franks term) not only that but asked if they could watch a movie... (Umm hello intervisitation hours end at 2 am. ) Anyway I told her that I was going to bed... She say oh and they talk for a while... I was getting a headache from their god awefull smell. Not to say that they are sitting on MY couch and sitting next to MY pillow that is left on the Couch... Then Frank called back after his Fire alarm.. I told him about it.. But had to wait till they all left... Finally she left and THANK GOD for that... I really can't wait till this semester is OVER.. or at least till she MOVES out.

I might be getting a job! I sent an application on line for childrens care hospital and school, Thurs. night. Fri at like 12:30 they called me and wanted an interview. I thought that was fast... That ment that they looked at the application Fri. morning. Anyway I have more to say but got to go

Friday, February 15, 2002

And you know that stupid girl from my group project? God she is a moron! And there is an annoying girl in the same class who always raises her hand and always has to be right and she pouted when she didn't get assigned the research project she wanted, I have mucho to bitch about today!!!

When I got home today, some fucker was parked in my spot. Not only was he parked in my spot, he was also partly parked in Sarah's (bitch) spot too. Taking up two reserved parking spots, that's smart. Dumbass was probably up in 203 buying some drugs or something.

Oh yea, I didn't tell anyone about that. I have a theory that apt. #203 sells drugs out of their apartment. There always seems to be people stopping by, and for only a short time too. One time when someone parked in my spot (i was right behind them, told them to move) the driver got out and went up there, and the rest of the people in the car stayed in the car. Erin, this is the same place that you said "Somebody's smoking pot" about when we walked past it that one night. Just seems a little suspicious to me.

But anyways, I called the office cuz I couldn't remember what I was supposed to do. Whoever answered must have been new or something, didn't know what to do either. She told me to get the vehicle type and license plate no., and call back. They would probably give them a warning or something like that. OOOOOOOOH!!!!! Big threat there!

When I went back down there, the car had moved to another spot and someone was sitting in it. I got their license plate anyway.

Last night on V-Day there were some people from Ridgewater at work taking their clinicals. (That's when they learn what they are actually supposed to be doing). On the west end there was a group of these people singing and as the music drifted down to me I thought that it sounded like shit. Being the person that I am when one of the guys who was singing came down I told him that they were singing like shit, or that they sounded shitty. The guy talked to me for a bit and then headed down to the west side again. About 20 minutes later 2 girls came down and they started asking me what I thought about their music. I said that it was a good thing for the residents and then they looked at me like I was lying and then I said that it sounded shitty. I was laughing with them and at them, and then the one girl named TRINA started bitching at me. I tried to get a word in edge wise, but she wouldn't let me. I just sat there then and listened to her bitch to me until I couldn't take it anymore. I just said, I don't care. Then she went off on this big power trip against me. She is such a whore. She said to me before her friend pulled her away and said TRINA, lets just go, lets leave, she said to me, you should try to act a little more grown-up and no be so childish. I was really pissed off at her for that remark. She should really respect her elders. I think that she is a total skanky ass hoe. I hope that she dies of gonorrhea and rots in hell.

Thursday, February 14, 2002

Yeah. Well, I have to listen to my dumb roommate have sex. Again. Not like I haven't had to listen to that two other times this week...shudder...

Yes, it does really suck not to have someone on V-day. I related to what Erin said about being secretly jealous of the other people getting flowers and stuff. I was hearing people being paged up to the front office quite a bit today. :(

don't you guys just hate valentine's day when there is nothing to do, and no one to spend it with? doesn't it make you sad? it does for me.

My fingers are encrusted with paint. But my painting looks good, anyway.

I told you that those people were doing pot! I just knew it! Do you really think they're selling? I bet they are...sounds suspicious. hrm. I feel like a detective. That's kind of bad (but fun all at the same time!)

Saturday, February 09, 2002

Thanks Angie Hey It works now but need to do a lot of stuff to it yet but going to bed now because its like 2am

Friday, February 08, 2002

I went to Jackpot today and won!! like 160 dollars playing Nickel machine.

Thursday, February 07, 2002

I went in and fixed your link for you Megan.
Don't forget, after the a href= type "" (or whatever you want to link). Make sure to remember the http://, and before you close the tag, put some text in between the > and < so there's something for people to click on.

But I just tried going there, and it doesn't work. Is it spelled wrong or anything?

And it is...........?

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

I just got back from St. cloud with my grandma she had to take my loser of a cousin back there. And then we stoped at Target on the way home in willmar. what were you doing ang about 5pm?? Dude Court Stinks!!!!1 like dog shit.. But anyways thats it... And for my website/blog page it has been moved again!! hee hee hee... same server just under a dif. name. the new addy is ready.... extraodrinary

What I wrote in Velvet's guestbook are things I've wanted to tell her, but didn't want to in person. And she better damn well move out at the end of the month. Otherwise, she just might get some more words from me. lol.

Hey Guys! You guys are awesome. Yeah March 1st I can't wait. Velvet hasn't talked to me, yet. I saw her between classes, today, and she just smiled at me. She also said to Erin that she was taking the phone with her. Fine, Whatever!!!! When we had our 'little talk' last week, she said that she didn't want to talk to Greg but she is going to... as much as she doesn't want to.Talk to you guys soon,Jessi

Wow. You really let her have it! um...I don't know what to say. (thanks?) Actually, she and I had a talk yesterday. Well, it began with her approaching me and my bitching her out in-front of my painting class--bottom line? March first, baby! They are moving out.

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

Velvet pisses me and Megan off too. So, we signed her guestbook telling her our thoughts.

Monday, February 04, 2002

So it twas. I was wondering why the date was off. I thought Pitas screwed it up.

you know what I hate That my fricken eboard is down. And I just moved it there too. damm it

Hey sorry haven't blogged in for awhile. :( my bad I have no Idea what the hell is up with my eboard so I am moving my blog page AGAIN!! It will be at tripod. And when i figure out what to call my page I will tell you I don't think i can can change it ... so I think the addy for right now is

Um...Angie. You should check out the date on your computer. I think it's a little off. heee. (Note entries below.)

Friday, February 01, 2002

Okay. Well, I kind of mentioned this situation here, but I will elaborate. You all like elaboration, right? (Plus, I think this blog needs a little more bitchin'.) Anyway. There's this guy. He's a graphic major with me, unfortunately. And he is a complete idiot/jackass/dumbass. He feels the need to make idiot comments in class and he thinks he's funny, but he's just annoying. So I don't like him to begin with. And then today I find out he was put in my group for the term in my marketing management class!!! He and this idiot moron girl who just giggles and is like, "I'm too tired for this on a Friday morning." (Don't forget the patented hair-toss, either.) I HATE GROUP PROJECTS!!!!! I always manage to get stuck with stupid moron people who don't know what they are doing and probably shouldn't have even graduated high school, much less lasted this long in college. People who are cocky sonsofbitches piss me off!!! (I think I need to breathe now, so I will go. That is all.)