Friday, November 30, 2001

Hi I just need to tell someone but everyone is sleeping.. Damm... Frank Called me tonight and we talked for like 2 hours. but then he called just now just to tell me how cute he thought I was. Just for your information. Anyway that is my update. I thought I would just so Erin doesn't feel so lonely in here Lol Later PS. HE BETTER GET HIS LEAVE

Hey Guys.

Hey Erin doesn't our Apt. situation suck?
Hey Angie and Megan wassup?
Thanks Erin for setting a different diary-x account for me now we can move my entries again... hehehe since you know more html than I do.Well I will catch up with you-all later.

Thursday, November 29, 2001

LMAO At Erins blog. About thecar. It was funny:) Yep thank god for 4x4 drive. Anyway Frank Called and said I will be the first to know if he gets his leave or not. And If he does I want to take him to the Mall of America. He has never been there. So yep it would be fun...

I had a dream last night that I was having sex with Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit. I have weird dreams sometimes.

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

As usual, Meg, I have to one-up you on the car thing. hee. Just listen--you will laugh, I'm sure.

Well, as you guys know, I frequently park my car on the street because dumb-ass parks his car in our parking lot and has his stuff in the garage, so there are no other parking spaces for us...Anyway, I parked there Monday afternoon once I finished class. By Tuesday, a snowdrift had covered my entire car! Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, the snowplow went through and added a heap of snow three feet thick on the side facing the road!

So picture, if you will, Jessi and myself with shovels trying to dig my car out! Jess was in snowpants, too. She kept falling on her ass. People would drive by s-l-o-w-l-y to laugh at us.

Eventually, we quit. Later that night, we got our building's maintenence guy and another friend of Jessi's to help us get my car out. Sigh.

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

No work for me today! Woo-hoo! Except that I won't get paid. :(

Monday, November 26, 2001

Ha HA ha ha Augustana Closed school for the day. And the was good then I got a phone call from a guy wanting to know if I drove a GMC Jimmy and said that he was stuck on my bumper. Im like DAMMIT! Went out and looked and sure enough he was. He was trying to get out from the street and slid and hooked on to my bumper. literally. My bumper was in between his tire and the car. And it did no damage to my car and his. THANK GOD!!! Thank god for 4 wheel drive.

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Well Frank Called tonight =) I Hate being in a long distance relationship. What can I do about it. Heee hee I am saying that and we only been together for a week. I threw him off tonight, I said if he got off I asked him what we were doing for new years eve? We are not making plans until we know for sure though. I just wish that he could be here and we could do stuff together like stuff couples do and so we can get to know eachother more. hmmm......... *Sigh*

And when, exactly, do you guys plan on posting in here? It's getting kind of lonely.

Saturday, November 24, 2001

Sounds like Frankie will be here aroun New years Eve. so yu all might that is MIGHT get to meet him. I will keep you all updated of course.

Friday, November 23, 2001

Well, I should hope we can meet him! =)

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Do you know what we did? We (Jessi and I) wrote them a letter. Tacked it to Velvet's door before I went to class this morning. Said Dan needed to be out by tonight at 6:00. We both signed it.

It simply reiterated what our landlord's letter said. I would have preferred to talk about it, but they made it very clear last night that that was definitely not going to happen.

I haven't been back since this morning at about 8:45. I have a feeling it will be a long evening.

But I feel so much better.

Hey, Angie! I forgot to mention how much I love the new layout! It makes me want to go to Florida or something. =)

Monday, November 19, 2001

Frankie finally clarified what some people (namely, ahem, me!) have been thinking all along. =) Yay for Meggie!

Sunday, November 18, 2001

Aslo Avaible

Saturday, November 17, 2001

Hi Iam Bored

It's about damn time!

Friday, November 16, 2001

Well here you guys go as of 12:30am on 11/17/01 Frankie finally asked me out or asked if we could be a thing. And I said yes. If you want more details got to ask me for them. :) :) :)

I blog earlier never went through.. Stacy (Frankie's sister) and his mom both want him to ask me out. Thats all the new stuff I know. Because I have been babysitting all week. THats all folks!

We're lazy, esp. Megan.

Where are you guys? Nobody has posted for a very long time! I would have at least expected Angie to write something about me acutally being online when we chatted last! heh.

Monday, November 12, 2001

Oh yeah. Please specify Pat Jahn's Grandma's funeral! I about had a heart attack! (You know, my old crush on him and all...)

Sunday, November 11, 2001

Hi Damm it I tried to blog a long time ago sometime this pass week and it didn't work. DAMM comp. anyways I went to Pat Jahns funneral today or now yesterday. And came back here to study for a span test. whoo hoo.. Yes angie I can see you in that car. of course because its a Chevrolet Cavalier. DUH! thats all you will drive. lol got to go back to studing whoopie

Friday, November 09, 2001

Can't you just see me in this car?

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

Hi. I think there is a class in here. oops.

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

You know when things aren't like they're supposed to be, and you just want them to be normal again. This is really strange, but I am sick of this nice weather we're having. I want it to be cold and start snowing soon.

Friday, November 02, 2001

I think Megan's getting a little lazy about blogging.

I interviewed for that job in Paynesville on Tuesday. I should find out early next week. I agree with you Erin. Although it's not the same as it is for you, waiting sucks.

Thursday, November 01, 2001

Yes, and I am anxiously awaiting Angie's new layout--about damn time! LOL.

yep, the bird shit on my smurfydesk. SMURFY! it smells in here. SMURFY! my smurfycat's breath smells like cat food. How smurfy! i don't like the bitches i work with. Smurfilicious!

I was ready for it to be Friday yesterday.

You guys should post in here more often. I feel kind of lonely, here.