You know, I hate it when I call my mom about something she calls me about and then she starts bitching at me about whatever. I know it's a mom's duty to do that and whatever, but god, it's not like I haven't figured half of this stuff out already. She treats me like I'm some sort of a fucking moron half the time. She's always on my case about finding a job and it's not like I haven't already thought of that myself--hmm...wait! Do I really need a job? hmm...God damn it. I hate when she does that!!!
Now we must remember, girls, that if we are menstruating we gotta watch out for those bears.
Saturday, April 27, 2002
Thursday, April 18, 2002
So yeah what a bitch my roommate is... She wants to study abroad this Jan. Term again.. But I think she wants to go to Moracco.. I was telling here that my boss was there and she was talking about the bathrooms there. And She was chewing me out for evening mentioning it like she didn't care what I had to say she just says she wants the experience. I understand that I was just trying to be a civil person and sound interested. Yes we don't talk much Cant wait till the end of the school year. and when she moves out of here God Damn pukey bitch
Remember Aunt Shortneck? Or what about the "MEBOX" presentation we gave for English in junior year? What the hell was up with that? I can't believe they passed us! Ah. Butterbroadt with de bobbing head...
Wednesday, April 17, 2002
I found this cool web blog page and guess what I have a blog there now too. About time. I am also working on a Web page WoW I think I will keep my web blog but not sure about the web page.. big surprise there. Anyways the web blog page is and mine is so will someone make thes into links I can't get them to work right ever so yeah.. Thanks
Oh yes. And then her husband (who was in my newswriting class last semester) complained to Jess and I constantly about the noise from our apartment when the dynamic duo lived at our place. And now this semester, he cranks up his fucking sucky music at eleven thirty at night! Now that he's not in school, I guess he must figure no one else needs to be up for class in the morning! Spare my ears, please...
I hate how the bitchy lady who lives below me always has to park her car in the spot next to our garage. There is enough room there for two cars but she parks her tiny-ass car (about the same size as my own) in the freaking center of the spot so there isn't any room for another car to park next to her! So then I either have to park on the street or in the muddy grass next to our lot. Damn her freaky ho.
So I don't just have a pukey roommate I also have a roommate who turns off my alarm clock as well. She thinks she owns it or something. DAMN HER
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Bills suck. We sent off our cable bill off in plenty of time for it to get there without being late. But we get another bill yesterday, saying that we haven't paid the last one yet. I don't know what the hell happened. It probably got held up with the snowstorm last weekend. That better be all that happened.
Sunday, April 14, 2002
Aparently clicking on the dotted line below my last entry is the link of my apt. I don't know why?? hmm... Damn HTML stuff
I just put my half of the deposit down for the Apt. That I will be moving in with another girl from my floor... We are EXCITED!! Here is a link to see what it comes with and the floor plan... To many things to list in here myapartment yes I know its a long address. Sorry but it should work
I'm getting really pissed off about the internet situation here. I think it's a combo of older (shittier) phone lines, and too many people online at the same time. Basically anytime after 6:00 pm weekdays I can't get online. All I hear when I try to connect is static. I think I'm going to switch ISP's. Hopefully that will help. I don't think it could get any worse .
Because I can barely ever get online anymore. But that's more of a thekitchen thing rather than here."
Saturday, April 13, 2002
Wednesday, April 10, 2002
To answer your questions. I want to move off Campus because I do.. I moved on to get the feeling of what living in a dorm was like. Two years was enough. I also don't have anything really keeping me here in the dorm. kind of hard to phrase this the right way.. I have liked living in the dorms. I like the atmosphere. I like haveing everyone here and everything available right here. I don't have to go anywhere. to find things. I have always felt like I haven't had much space here. Also because I am this big drinker I want to be able to drink... No really Im 23 years old adn am tired of being told I can't drink because of the place I live. The other reason is thea fact that all the people I hang out with right now will be graduating this May and therefore being here next year will really suck. But here is the MAJOR reason for this decision. I have been trying to get a single room since things have been getting worse with my roomate. Or I should say things haven't improved. I wanted a single room..I was going to get a medical single but that wasn't going to work because the day that the form was due was the day I found out about that. Also if I stay on I would if I "win" the lotery drawing for the other single rooms I have to pay like 400 a semester more to live in a "closet" If I were to take on a Transfer student that student would be at least 2-3 years younger then me, if I got placed with a Freshman(current tHis year) they would be 4 years younger. Lets say this other roomate gets caught with Alcohal in the room, who would be providing to minors even if I wasn't drinking( hmm.. tough question) I'm just tired of paying up the butt for a closet type space to live share that space with someone else. I also am tired of sharing showers and bathrooms and ohters things as well. well I thingk this is all I have to say... I think this was a long enough blog for the night
Okay. So I haven't found a job yet. This blows. I have emailed out a bunch of resumes with no response. And most of the jobs I would even be remotely interested in require 3+ years of experience. How am I supposed to get the fucking experience if I can't get a freaking job?!? sigh.
And it doesn't help that I will be in Marshall until at least November to finish out the end of our lease. I really feel like I am stuck here because I don't want to be paying rent at two places and Jess is transferring now, I have to look into work in Marshall, too, so I can afford to pay my rent, much less eat. Being an adult sucks.
Megan: what happened to make you feel so, uh, vigilant about moving off-campus? I thought you liked living in the dorms, or at least it seemed that way up until this past week. I mean, you were always talking about helping the hall director with stuff and other things like that. Was I mistaken? If I was, what was it that changed your mind? Was it your, um, "pukey" roommate? Or something else?
Tuesday, April 09, 2002
Hi Ok so I haven't bitched in here in a while. but I will now.. I am now currently looking for Apartments. Can't wait to get out of this DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!
So my roomate was sick today (AGAIN) and he is now in the Sioux Valley Hospital with Dehydration.... hmmm... wonder why?? She also has some virural infection they think she caught in Ireland ( a tem of a 100) oooooooo big temp there.