Hmm.... Yay! Tomorrow's Friday!
Now we must remember, girls, that if we are menstruating we gotta watch out for those bears.
Thursday, June 28, 2001
Wednesday, June 27, 2001
Ok. So I have been working frantically the past three days or so on an executive summary for work and my design was submitted for approval today--and it was aproved! With no corrections! Kick ass! So, yeah. That was my day. Whaz up with you guys?
Hi peoples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just thought that I should chat in here a bit. Well I have been moving more tables and shit. But I will have my last 1/2 hour of class tmrw morn. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will then be off for WISC. For a Family reunion. And then Monday back to classes for me oh fun. But that will be anouther class I won't have to bother with in the school year. Well got to go soon. And see a Baby!! So I am going to sign off now Bye
Thursday, June 21, 2001
Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Yea, I found it too last night, although I'm not blogging until now. Didn't take me long once I found out that it was NOT at this site, as Megan had told me on the phone.
Monday, June 18, 2001
Thanks Ang for FTPing that stuff for me. It helped muy mucho. And that reminds me...weren't you planning on putting up a new layout sometime soon? eh?
Sunday, June 17, 2001
Hey Megan! I found it, so I am blogging now. But don't feel bad...I found it by accident. Didn't take me long at all...hee.
Saturday, June 16, 2001
Friday, June 15, 2001
Thursday, June 14, 2001
Heh heh heh I am at work right now with the computer at the desk. So yeah also I am sitting here while all the other staff are setting up the elmen for a conference they are moving chairs and tables. Ha Ha Ha I am glad i have to sit at the desk. Megan
Wednesday, June 13, 2001
Well, if they (people upstairs) do anything drastic, I'll just have to call the cops. And you'd think that that would be enough for them to get evicted or something. Either that, or I would demand to get out of my lease early or move into another apartment under the same management. Maybe I'll just be lucky and their lease will be up soon and they will move out. Yeah right, like I would be that lucky.
Well i just thought i would say hi to ya all. Its been a very busy and tiring past few days. Last night we had the torando sirens go off way too many times. Like say a total of 5 times. And there is a deaf person on the 6th floor too. She is up there with the whole floor by herself. Hmm must be nice. Anyways she can't hear the sirens when they go off and so someone has to go way up the 6 flights of stairs to tell her that the sirens are going off. Who did that ME!! Fun Fun and I finally went to sleep about 3-3:30 when the Damm Fire alarms went off at 5 am this morn. Due to the damm water again. Damm weather. And tonight I guess isn't suppose to be anyu better but Now I am sitting the desk from 8pm til 2am. People say it is suppose to be like last night. I hope not. I have had enough for a while. Anyways got to continue getting ready for the night like all the toys I need to bring to keep me busy. Later.
Oh. Angie. I was going to ask you if you would mind uploading a few things for me onto my domain. I would email them to you with a note telling you where to upload them to and stuff. I don't think you have an FTP client, but you can download a free one if you need to from zdnet. Let me know somehow if you can do this for me. For some reason my FTP is not working and I need help. =) Oh--and thanks.
I hope not either. But really, what can your landlords (or whattever they are called) do about something like that? They can't kick them out, can they? Can they fine them? Is there something about harassment in your lease? So many questions...
Tuesday, June 12, 2001
Well, I bitched today about the people upstairs. Hopefully there won't be any kind of "retaliation" from them because of that.
Monday, June 11, 2001
Wild weather we've been having...I hope Angie's apartment is ok. I heard tornados struck down about a mile from her place.
Oh. And Angie's bird Chewie hates me. I already knew this, but it was further proven to me this weekend when he made this god-awful noise when I went by him and always tried to bit me. He hates me.
Friday, June 08, 2001
Thursday, June 07, 2001
Megan, that is one messed up thing you sent me in the mail. You must have been bored out of your mind to write on a toilet seat cover!
Tuesday, June 05, 2001
Hey, Angie, did I remember something about you saying you were going to change layouts somewhere a while back? Or was I dreaming? heh. So hurry up, would ya? hee.
I went to Applebee's for lunch this afternoon and the service was terrible. I had an hour for lunch and they finally came out with our food after 50 minutes! (But they gave us free pie, so it was all worth it! mmm.....have you all tried the Reese's Peanut Butter Cheesecake? To die for!)
Heh heh heh, the stupid conversations I have:
Ah, nuts! says: we're looking at now now
Ah, nuts! says: everything that is happening now, is happening now
Ah, nuts! says: what happened to then?
Ah, nuts! says: we just past it
Ah, nuts! says: when?
Ah, nuts! says: just now
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man says: go back
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man says: we can't
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man says: why not
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man says: we missed it
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man says: when
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man says: just now
Sunday, June 03, 2001
Hi Where are you all and i don't read my own stuff so some people please give me something to read so will you guys please blog. lol. I have a class tmrw from 1030 to 12:40 and then I am working the desk again. Whoo Hoo. Later megan
Saturday, June 02, 2001
Well Here it is 4:00 am and i am still away. Why? so maybe you guys want to know... Right? I bet. Ok so here it goes. I took someone out for their 21st birthday. lets just say that Carrie the birthday girl and Bobbie a friend of mine got pretty drunk Carrie more then Bobbie. I didn't I was driving. Yep good Megan. Anyways neither one is used to drinking. We started at about 9 or 9:30 and came back to the dorms at like 12:30 and Carrie was GONE!!!! She had had had like 12-14 drinks with a few being shots. Well that explains it all So I am doing an all nighter because I have to keep and Eye on her. I am also going to be taking a shower in an hour because I hae to work at 6 so I need to be showered and ready to go by that time. Oh yeah and I work from 6 am today til like 4 something later this afternoon. So am I excited you betcha. Damm strait I am!!! yeah right. lol but anyways this is giving me something to do while I am staying awake. Doing Nothing but watching what ever the hell is on like some damm infermercal. But anyways all you have a great DAY!!!!