You know what, I don't feel inspired to do much of anything. Except maybe veg on the couch and watch teevee. Depressing.
I go on Friday for more tests, so you all should wish me luck. Yes, you should.
Now we must remember, girls, that if we are menstruating we gotta watch out for those bears.
You know what, I don't feel inspired to do much of anything. Except maybe veg on the couch and watch teevee. Depressing.
I am waiting patiently to go to the library. It opens at 2:00. I was here an hour early. Damn daylight savings time. grr.
Well, my car got in to get fixed yesterday. It didn't get finished yesterday because they had to order a part. They say it's the catalytic converter. What that is, I don't know. If getting a new one of those will fix the problem, who knows.
That sounds a lot like what happened with my car. The people who are servicing mine say it is the transmission and the clutch. Hopefully your repairs will not be as spendy (or time-consuming) as mine--I won't be able to get my car until the end of the week at the earliest!
And my car acting up wasn't the worse thing that happened to me yesterday. I got up at 6:30 to be out in the field at 7:00 to chop. Had a little bit of a hard time staying awake at about 8:00, but that passed. Got tired again around noon, and said I wanted to go home. But no, Dad wanted the chopper going as long as possible. So I keep going. But I didn't have to be out there much longer. At about 12:30 it all of a sudden got very loud in the tractor. My first thought was that something seriously broke on the chopper. I turn around, and don't see anything right away, but as I'm turning my head back to the front, I see glass everywhere. A rock (we presume) had been shot up from the chopper and completely shattered the rear window. Scared the shit out of me. I stopped the tractor, and I was just shaking. I wait for myself to calm down slightly, then I call for someone to come out there. While waiting for Ryan to come out to the field, I look around and I start to think of what could have happened. I thought of how easily I could have been cut by all that flying glass. I didn't even get a single scratch. Then of course I think of what could have happened if the rock hadn't flown back into the field. Like if the rock had hit me in the head, getting knocked unconscious (or worse) and the tractor still going.
My car's dying. Started acting up on my way back to Willmar yesterday afternoon. Of course it couldn't happen while I was home. So I called home, to see if I could trust my car to go to Hutch. And so I went. And it got worse. Went home tonight to switch cars with my parents and so my car could get in to get fixed. Barely got there. The last 4 miles, I couldn't get over 30. I'm sure I pissed of plenty of people driving that slow, sputtering along.
Hi Have a great weekend you guys.. TGIF almost friday. anyway.. Hey is a package of Ramon noodles to you concidered one serving. I conceider them to be one serving. LOL it really is 2 servings acording to the nutrition facts. lol
Oh yea, I got a new pair of jeans. They're really comfy, and I like them alot. I also got a sweater. It's a color that's so not me to get - brown. And I also got some "unmentionables", lol.
Oooo! Sugam's actually coming to see you instead of you going to see him. That doesn't happen very often.
Actually, I am mostly online at school (like I am now.) So I really don't have access to MSN here. Sorry. As for my weekend plans, I am free Friday night only. Sugam is coming out from Saturday to Sunday--we are celebrating our four-year anniversary. But I am free Friday night after 9:00. And if you want to stop by my show, that's fine--just let me know in advance so I'm not caught unaware. Let me know what is happening, ok?
This is my daily fortune that comes on my excite welcome page You will always get what you want through your charm and personality.
Heh, it might be kind of fun to come and bug you while you were trying to do your show. lol.
Hey. If you all are around, you should stop by my radio show on Friday night at SSU. Lord knows I will be bored and hey, I can always use guests. Not like you would actually want to see me, know. Whatever.
Oh, and it's about time that you're gonna come home. I'll have to make sure to come home that weekend. And you better want to do something while you're home too.
Megan, that doesn't surprise me that you were pulled over for driving too close to the curb. When we were down there, you were freaking us out how you were driving too close to the curb.
Well Should have read the blog before I blog but here is another blog for ya ERIN. To answer your question Angie I will be home YES I WILL BE HOME ON.... drum roll please.....................................................................................................................................OCTOBER 26th. OR the FRIDAY closets to that date. That is FAll break for us and I am actually not babysitting not doing anything for that weekend so I will be home.
Man the cops in Sioux Falls must have been bored tonight. I got pulled over for driving to close to the curb!!! He said that he thought that Iw was going to drive right up on top of the curb. I was bringing home Hailey(a 14 yr old). Anyway while he was explaing what I was doing he asked me If I was drinking. I told him no only pop. And yep he just said watch what your doing from now on. And sent me on my marry way. Never been pulled over for driving too damm close to the curb. Yes the curb was on the right side of the road.
Oh yes. And why the hell is Evil Bert in this picture next to Osama bin Laden? I think there's something vewwy scwewwy gowing on awound hewe.
Yoo-hoo! (Not to be confused with Whoo-hoo! or Yahoo!) Is anyone around? Or are we being snobbish and just not posting to our lonely little blog? hmm? I think we need to post more in here, mmm-kay?
I got a book of yours that I have to get back to you Erin.
From Megan's Page: "Why is when you become friends with people at eventually they become further and further apart. Meaning why can't all my really closse friends( they know who they are) have to be so far apart from me. Meaning I might only be an hour from some of them or even some of them across town. But I never get to see them. Some of them I only see once in a great blue moon. I am not liking this. I just wish there were ways to see all of them more often. I also wish I could be with someone right now, but I can't but that is besides the point. Just feel that I don't get to spend enough time with the people who are closest to me. Are others feeling this same way or is it just me?"
Yes I get asked to type that msg in twice It still don't work. I get the msg. thought that the message has been sent then once I look at my page its not there.
Megan, I got those posts to show up on your page. I don't know why it works for me and not you. Hmm.... I know I get prompted twice to login, do you get that too?
I know you all really want one of these--you can Adopt a Penis! hmm...I don't know if we really want one of those for our page mascot, do we? No, I didn't think so.
I wish all this shit that is happening in the world would just end. I also wish my most recent blog on my page would show up. I also wish I could be spending time with someone right now. (yes this is the person who I am claim to not be dating =)
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
If you define cowardice as running away at the first sign of danger, screaming and tripping and begging for mercy, then yes, Mr. Brave man, I guess I'm a coward.
To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact they're kinda scary. I've wondered where this started, and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus and a clown killed my dad.
When my bird sees me reading the newspaper, does he wonder why I'm just sitting there, staring at carpeting?
I don't know that I buy lemons...actually, this would be the only real problem I have had with this car. I talked to my dad about it a little last night and he thought it might be as simple as being low on transmission fluid. I need to take it in to get it looked at soon.