Yea, I'd say she's a bit of a drama queen.
As a result of Tuesday's meeting, we find out Wednesday morning that Claire was given the option to go work in production. The other option (I'm assuming) would be to lose her job. She took the day off yesterday to think about it. We're all happy because now we won't have to deal with all her annoying habits and incompetency. Good deal, huh?!?! Did I mention that she frequently told customer service that we couldn't do something but we really could, and told customers their art wasn't good when it was perfectly fine.
At the end of the day yesterday, Lisa was called into Kevin's office to another meeting. When it was time to go, Lisa was still gone, but I think the meeting was over. I noticed Allan Molenaar in Kevin's office as I was leaving. Not that unusual, he stops by a few times a week.
Bad news this morning. Lisa called us all over for another little meeting. She then tells us that Claire will be back to work on Monday, and that from now on all mistakes we made have to go to her so she can keep track of them. Not just the mistakes that make it into the plant, all of them. Any mistakes that are caught by proofreaders, and any fine lines/text that should have been stroked get brought to Lisa. How we save our files will also be monitored. If we mess up the number or don't group or lock objects right, Lisa will be keeping track of it.
I'm not sure what happened yesterday, but I can pretty much guess. Claire talked to Lori and got Lori to talk to Allan Molenaar (Lori used to be Allan's secretary) to see if he could get her her job back. And guess what, she fucking got it back. Poor little baby Claire went whining and got her way.
I am so not looking forward to Monday morning when Claire comes back, and her smug attitude she'll have. Oh, and her humming and foot-tapping.
What I don't understand is why she would fight so hard to get a job back that she doesn't like, in a room that is so depressing for her to be in, and for a supervisor who obviously doesn't want her in there. I'm just hoping that once something opens up in customer service (2 women are leaving in May/June) she'll be moved. Either that or it becomes apparent from the record-keeping of our mistakes that Claire sucks at her job and she will not be allowed to keep working in the artroom.
You know, it doesn't even bother me that we will be so closely watched in our work because frankly I don't feel that I have anything to worry about. I don't claim that I don't make any mistakes, but I feel I make significantly less than someone like Claire. Becky feels a little worried, but I don't think she needs to be. I think it's just Claire and Todd that are a concern. Claire especially, since I know she still will not consider herself to make very many mistakes and won't change her habits. Todd's just creepy. And it takes him a long time to figure things out.
I liked Claire a lot more when she worked in customer service. Ever since she started working in the artroom again, things have changed. She is just so blind to the fact that her actions and words have drawn so many people away from her.
I feel bad for Lisa. It's supposed to be her decision who works (and doesn't work) underneath her. Just like it was with Stacy, it has to be a struggle for her. Dammit, why can't they just realize that she has good reasons for wanting to get rid of someone. She doesn't just do it because she can.