I was checking the weather underground for what this weeks weather will be for Yellowstone. I should be around mid 70's like 75 - 80degrees for a high and 40's and 50's as a low. I also checked the Allergy/pollen ratings for that area, just because I was curious. The pollen ratings for that area right now are like here, HIGH so some of us who have allergies be prepared and be taking your allergy medication (Erin I know you have allergy meds)(hint hint hint)
Now we must remember, girls, that if we are menstruating we gotta watch out for those bears.
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
We are all in agreement. I will be paying for gas with my credit card and anyone who needs to pay me right away for it can do so. Otherwise, if you would like to wait till the end of the trip that is fine aslo.
Hi To everyone.... First comment... at the bottom the messenger it says that someone is typing a message. I at least wait to see if that or not..If not I sign off. I will wait to see that even if I am very tired and need to go to bed. I just think it is nice for me to wait and see if they are done typing. That was just some FYI for people if you didn't know that already. Yes we were all tired and the convo. was heated and people were angry. Second. I will feel better if I could at least pay the person(s) that are paying for the gas at a breaking point in the middle of the trip. Just because as Kristin stated earlier I want to make sure that I have enough for the gas. And also I know that some of you said to put some aside for the gas. If you know me well enough that does work for me because I a lot of the times forget to do that or start doing that and then at some point in the trip will find that money and go "oh I have x$$$ amount and can use this" So that is why I feel that at least I would like to pay at least at breaking points along the way. I also think you all know how I feel about having just one person pay for the whole trip.(gas wise that is) Because I dont' think that it is fair for the person to pay the credit card bill on it, isn't there interest added in or on the bill(from my knowledge anyway) Even if you pay ontime mplease let me know if I am wrong on this matter oh and I agree with Erin. lets not bring any hard feelings or any part of the small arugement with us on the trip.
Okay. Sorry for leaving the IM conversation last night. I admit, it was a little rushed, but we weren't solving anything--just arguing and getting mad at eachother. I thought that we would do a lot better if we were able to take a breather, calm down and sleep on it. Before anything harsh happened.
And if I do that often, I apologize. On my behalf, I do announce when I am signing off, so if you have more to say, please indicate it beforehand. Or talk with me about it sometime in another chat conversation so that I'm at least aware of the problem. This was the first time someone has brought it up to me.
Anyway. If my signing off offended anyone, I am sincerely sorry. I just know that I was getting pissed and annoyed, as I believe that everyone was, and rather than have the whole thing blow up in our faces and end up not going at all, I would much rather have slept on it.
I really don't care how we deal with the money. I don't care if it all goes on my card. I don't care. Whatever works best for everyone is fine by me.
NOTE TO EVERYONE (myself included)-- Please let's not drag hard feelings into this trip--it will be a hell of a long trip to Yellowstone and back if we do.
Ok, so here's what I want to do: To keep it as least complicated as possible, I think one person should pay for the gas the whole time. I will volunteer for that, because I don't feel that it is unfair to me to do it that way. Whoever wants to pay me for gas as we go can do so. Whoever wants to pay me for gas at the end can do so. I just don't want to have to spend alot of time figuring out how much we owe each other. I am also one who doesn't want to (technically) pay for gas until the end. Is this satisfactory for everyone?
Oh, and to clarify, (sorry kristin) but Kristin was the one making comments last night about how much money Megan is bringing and getting from her parents.
In response to your post, I understand that you are angry with us for all leaving you hanging last night. We were all very tired and did not want to continue on fighting. Yes, we realize that you also had to work at 7:00 in the morning but our metabolism isn't like yours so we needed our sleep.
So with what you are saying you want to break up the gas paying every time that we drive to another destination, or have it be paid every time that we drive a long distance? I think I know what you are saying. Here's my thinking, it's just thinking, how about we have somebody pay for one portion of it the way up to Yellowstone, then when we come back have a different person pay for the rest on the way back. I really would be comfortable paying either way. I wouldn't mind having me and you pay for it the way up, just as long as we have all of our monies tallied to find out the correctness of it all.
I don't know, it gets so confusing when we don't figure these things out ahead of time.
I still think that having one person pay the whole gas money thing the way up there and back would be fine, divide by four and then separate between all of us. I have this feeling that I would become comfortable paying along the way too. That way I would know where my money had been to. I know that I am cheap when it comes to trips. I usually hold my money for all its worth. If I have to pay for gas in the end, will I have enough money? I don't like that feeling at all. I guess it would work out for me either way (As the ways that I have mentioned in this post).
Maybe your way, Megan you and I pay for the gas the way up there, all the way to Yellowstone, no little shifts in between, then they will pay for it the way back. Otherwise it will be too difficult to manage in the end or even in between. "blah"
Megan I understand this is your car and everything and that you have issues with it. I hope that your car is fixed and well, it can run and all, especially when we go. Thank you for driving too by the way. Even though if we do end up going, you'll drive part ways, and I guess I will end up driving in those gosh darned mountains.
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
First of all I think it is funny how close to date we had last years big fight... second of all If I don't get see that people are at least trying to understand me, I just won't go, yes sounds dumb, but I don't want to have go on a trip with people who are mad at so and so... or have things brought up on the trip that will just trigger someone off and the whole fight will start again. We need to decide how to pay for the gas and take in everyones considerations, not have one way or another.. You guys were rude to just leave me hanging there and can't see that I was typing message... Not picking on just you Erin but you do that to me A LOt and I feel disrespected when you do this to me. I am not just talking about tonight. I also feel "shoved to the side" when certian people don' listen to me.. Also if you guys got this in the conversation or not... I don't know if my car will be available it is currently in the shop and getting fixed. we are hoping it will be done this weekend. Second I want to state that I understand Angie's side of the gas situation. Angie and I am thinking Kristin and Erin think it would be easier for one person to keep pay for all the gas and then take the total and divide it up at that end of the trip and everyone else pay that person at the end. I have a suggestion ANd you all can read it and reply back (I am sure you will) What if we divide the trip up. Say that one person pays for all the gas from Sioux Falls to Buffalo. Since that is where we are staying for the night. Total that amount and then the rest of us divide that price and pay back that person. then either the same person or a second person would pay for the gas from Buffalo to Yellowstone and do the same thing . THen and do the same thing for Yellowstone to Gillette and Gillette To Sioux Falls. We could either have 2 people split the trip or something or each of us could take a section of the trip. It will still be equal and fair for everyone. (explain to me how this won't be) or If we do it that one person pays for all the gas in the trip I don't see Why I or anyone who wants to pay in smaller chunks along they way would be paying less then everyone or more then everyone. And one last thing ANGIE and Everyone STOP GIVING ME SHIT ABOUT MY PARENTS GIVING ME MONEY. I DID NOT ASK FOR THE MONEY, I EVEN SAID TO THEM I WAS PAYING FOR THIS TRIP. AND THEY HAVE SAID THEY WANTED TO GIVE IT TO ME. YOU ALWAYS AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME THAT I GET MONEY WHENEVER I ASK FOR IT OR THAT I GET EVERYTHING PAID FOR. I DO NOT!!! I AM NOT BRINGING $600 Dollars on the trip. ANGIE you told me you thought about 500 for the trip for lodging food, and gas and the other things we do on the trip. THAT NUMBER IS WAY OFF FROM WHAT I AM SPENDING ON THE TRIP. I HAVE NEVER SAID $600 NOR AM I BRINGING THAT MUCH. I WILL be bringing 100-200 in cash on for on the way and the rest of the $$$ I will need will be done by stoping at ATM machines. Before I go you are all planning on staying here right. you need to let me know when you have made that decision.
I think it's all alright. I know that Megan needed to have all of her stuff moved off her talknjot site by the thirteenth, so her entries are most-likely out of order. (She had talked to me before about it not archiving right all the time sometime last week.) So.........it's probably okay. If not, we'll find out in a hurry. LOL.
I've got a question for y'all. We are still planning on going to Yellowstone. All of us, right? See I read Megan's page and saw something about Erin & Angie being bitches or something. Is that for this time, or is that for the previous time? I just got a bit confused. Please inform me if anything has changed.